Habitat J Foerster / N Kramer / Leaving Records

  • 2,200円(税200円)
在庫状況 在庫 0 売切れ中

ベルリンを拠点とする作曲家Niklas KramerとパーカッショニストJoda Foersterによる環境音楽のコラボレーション「Habitat」は、イタリアの建築家Ettore Sottsassのドローイングからインスピレーションを得て制作された。8つのトラックは、それぞれ想像上の建物の一室を表しています。



grey shells, green imprinting
*4panel JCard printed on rough/uncoated stock
*"Casa Molto Normale"cover art original painting by Ettore Sottsass.

Habitat, an environmental music collaboration by Berlin based composer Niklas Kramer and percussionist Joda Foerster, is inspired by the drawings of Italian architect Ettore Sottsass. Each of the eight tracks represents a room in an imaginary building.

In Habitat the duo layers, loops and merges sonic textures and patterns into fluid blocks without the restraint of statics. African log drum, Bolivian chajchas, vibraphone, kalimba and various other percussion instruments are processed, pitched, harmonised and filtered through modular synth and script based sample cutting to form a collage of asynchronous layers.

By using acoustic instruments and expanding their sound into abstract shapes, Habitat evokes a vague intimacy, a curious state of comfort in the unknown.