cloudNI9E / Oriental

  • 2,200円(税200円)
在庫状況 在庫 0 売切れ中

Tokyo/Matsue Based
Japanese Composer/beat maker Called "Cloud NI9E "
He released new album "Oriental" reminds me Nujabes and more beautiful and mellow lo-fi Hiphop . It's LOSER recommendation this CD now on sale in my shop .


Cloude Ni9e is a track maker from Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan, who creates music strongly influenced by Soul and Jazz.
His music is strongly influenced by Soul and Jazz, and he has been providing music for artists in Japan and abroad, remixes, live performances, and releasing music from the late Nujabes' hydeout productions.
So far, he has released 1 12inch, 4 albums, and is currently working on his 5th album.

4th Album
The fourth album, "ORIENTAL", was produced by artists active in the Bay Area on the West Coast of the United States.
The lyrical world view is strongly reflected in this 4th album.


島根県松江市出身のTrack maker。Soul、Jazzから強い影響を受けた楽曲を制作し、
国内外のartistへの楽曲提供や、remix、live、故Nujabes主催のhydeout productionsからの楽曲release等を重ね、
これまでに1枚の12inch、4枚のalbumをreleaseし、現在5th albumを製作中。

4th Album

米国西海岸、Bay Areaで活動するartistを中心にまとめられ、